Here I Go....

Here I Go....

by Jayne Coppins

Posted in Jayne's Posts

To coincide with the launch of my website I am venturing into the world of blogging. So, where do I begin and what do I write about? I have so many ideas but somehow they all disappear when I'm sitting in front of my computer.

Less than a year ago I ventured into the Instagram space.  Now as I write my first blog I'm experiencing the same trepidation I felt when I posted my first photo.  On Instagram it was "will someone like my photo?" Now it's "will someone read my blog?"

The one thing I have learnt about Instagram and posting photos is to post what you like and are proud of, not what you think will get you many likes - @monaris_ made exactly this point earlier this year.  There has been some debate about whether social media has ruined the art of photography, with photos of not the highest quality receiving hundreds or thousands of likes when compared to high-quality photos receiving only a few likes. This is often a topic of discussion on the Canon Collective Facebook page.

There have been times where I have posted a photo I really liked on Instagram and thought to myself "this won't be well received" - and then it was featured on a community account I follow.  It's the emotional connection with a photo that resonates with the audience - whether you like landscapes, street, black and white or colour photography or simply what mood you are in at the time determines if you do or don't click the little heart. If you would like to follow me on Instagram my account is @jaynecoppins.

So, for my blogs, I will write about what I am passionate about or when I think I have something worth saying. I will try not to bore you and I will keep it short and to the point. I am going to adopt the same philosophy as I do with my Instagram posts: it's not a big deal if only one person reads my blogs, as long as I am contributing.

I also invite you to have a look at the website and you can contact me via the contact page.


Cheers, Jayne


by Anne-Marie

Congratulations Jayne, great website. Look forward to following your photographic journey through your blog and to seeing many more fabulous photos.

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